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Connect Better With Fans & Make More Money

Connect Better With Fans & Make More Money

I’m going to share the hard truth about the cam industry today. To be blunt, there are a lot of girls trying to earn a living via webcam. Many models are extremely successful while others just can’t seem to make the cut. One thing that these successful models do well is connect with people. Not only do they connect with people, but they get personal with their fans. 

Models that make time to build these relationships are usually the ones that benefit most. What I mean by that is the cam girls that know their audience well, cash the largest checks. If you want to increase your bankroll, then keep reading…

How To Know Your Audience Better & Earn More Money

Okay, I’ll beat a dead horse, the importance of knowing your audience and each of the individuals hitting up your profile page cannot be understated. There are massive benefits of doing so, especially if you’re social and have an outgoing personality. The benefits are financially in your favor as many members really love to show their appreciation through token tossing your way. 

Cam Girls, especially popular ones, engage with hundreds and maybe thousands of people each month. The importance of identifying good members, member recognition, and knowing them should be a top priority. All the cam models crushing it on do this to the fullest extent. 

Don’t take any offense to what I’m about to say, but if you’re an unorganized girl that is just sporadically logging in at odd hours of the day on random days, with no preparation, then this isn’t for you. Now, if you are the organized type that likes to prepare or if you want to be that type of person, the few things I am about to share are golden nuggets!

golden nugget

First thing you need to know about cam model fans is that they can be extremely loyal and caring to those that show their interest. If you put forth the effort to get on a personal level with fans, it will go a really long way. Meaning if a girl recognizes her tippers it maximizes the gratuitous efforts. Addresses something that you know about a fan increases their loyalty to a profile/room. It clearly shows some attention to detail and care. Now it sounds like a lot of work, but Camsoda has a few clever ways of making your life easier. 

Things We Have On Camsoda To Help You Get Personal

We’ve thought of just about everything to help you build better relationships with members. One of the most helpful things that we’ve created is a way for models to take notes on users within the chat interface.  This is where you should be taking bullet points about everything unique to a user that they mention. This was created to help reduce friction when camming as fumbling for notes via other applications or even post it notes can be annoying and ineffective.

Are there other options? Of course there are. For example, aside from our chat interface note application, there are others. This is where Apple Notes comes into play. Many girls prefer to use the Apple Notes application because it’s easy to navigate, easy to access and discreet. Most models have their phone within arms reach and they’re able to discreetly take notes without fans knowing and without getting too close to the cam as if they’re sitting at a desk.

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Then there’s Google Keep, which is probably the go to option for those using Android phones. Like Apple Notes, this is a very simple and easily accessible application for just about anyone, no matter their level of technical capability. 

Let us not forget the typical Google Docs app. This is a great and simple way to take notes on members as well. If you’re not familiar with how Google Docs work, all you need to do is a simple search in whatever search engine you prefer and you’ll find tons of information on it. 

What’s the best way? Whatever works best for you. There is no right or wrong way to do it, only that you’re actually taking the notes to help build better relationships with fans. 

What Information Matters?

The more you know about a fan the better. Note taking is a big part of the job for the successful model. Let me help shed some light on things for you. Is there a restaurant that you frequently visit? If so, my guess is that overtime, you’ve become very familiar with the staff and vice versa. They’ve become very familiar with you. Chances are they know how often you come to the restaurant, what you typically order for dishes, what your favorite cocktails are and maybe even your birthday.

Well, the same type of personal touch and effort should be put forth towards cam fans. We’re not suggesting that you data mine or anything absurd like that. Just take some casual notes. Here are a few of the things that you’ll want to remember about them…

Instagram Icon


Wanna know the fastest way to grow your Instagram and Twitter accounts? Ask fans what their handles are! This kick starts a conversation that typically leads to more followers and knowing more about fans. Jot down their handles so you know who’s DMing you, liking or retweeting. 

Map of USA


Ask fans where they live or where they’re located. Creating that same city synergy often brings two people together. If you’re not located in the same city, if you’ve been to their city/town or state, then this is something to talk about. When you’ve identified where they’re located, think of things to ask questions about that are related to the area. Favorite bars, restaurants, parks etc. 

Happy Birthday


If they are willing to share birthday info, then great, jot that info down! There’s nothing more special than receiving a HBD shoutout from a hot cam girl with a personalized happy birthday message. This makes users feel like they’re on top of the world and guess what, other fans will try and get closer to you because they’ll recognize that and want the same treatment. By the way, you can create all these messages from your camera phone pretty quickly.


Find out if they’ve got pets and if so, dig deeper and ask what type of dog, cat or whatever animal they have. If you genuinely like those types of animals, then let them know and ask for more information. Get the pet’s name. This will help you build a stronger personal connection with the fan. 

Family Info

Some models like to ask if fans have families, kids, spouses, girlfriends, etc. Asking questions about this stuff is really up to you. The more you know the better, but don’t scare them away by probing for specific family information. Some members may not want to talk about this. 



If you’re a fan or sports and feel like you know enough to talk about your favorite sports team, then ask them what sports they like and which teams are their favorite. Typically, sports fans are very loyal and this info can come in handy in the future. For example, there are many models that will put on the jersey of their favorite football team on Sunday and Monday Night. Cam fans that like the team are almost instantly drawn into the model because of that connection.

Another example of this is strip clubs on a Sunday. If you go to any strip club on game day during the season, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll see girls wearing fan gear of their favorite team. It draws the consumer in the same way. 


Find out if they have any hobbies. Maybe there is some hobby that you both enjoy and that creates an additional connection. Perhaps it’s cars, skydiving, computers or barbecuing. There are so many things to connect with fans on here. The sky’s the limit really. 

What Other Info?

There’s a bunch of other information to consider. But to give you an idea of what else you can ask them about, take a look at your own profile or one of the many model profile pages on Camsoda. Tattoos, height, cut/uncut, languages, eye color and more. Find out if they have a fetish. Maybe they’ve got an anal fetish or something. The more you know the better. I guess my point is that there are plenty of things that you can mention to build that connection with them. 

What Should You Do With The Info?

Okay, now that you’ve gathered all this information about the fan, it’s time to use that info and create the ultimate personal relationship. If you’ve already made the connection, gathered the information, then when this fan decides to connect with you again, you’ve instantly got a way to keep them interested at a more personal and intimate level. 

Reference the info that you’ve gathered overtime, ask them personal questions that are related to the info you’ve previously documented using whatever app or note taking method you’ve chosen. 

There are many reasons why this all matters. For brevity purposes, I’ll just say that it builds stronger long-term relationships. Sounds funny, but it’s 100% true and proven based on what evidence we have. 

Creating connections will help you build much stronger bonds and relationships with fans. Asking questions, taking notes and being able to reference or make those commonalities resurface will help you win. These strong fan/model relationships don’t just materialize out of nowhere. Most of the time it’s a combination of connectivity and fan desire. Creating that two-way connection with a fan will help boost your earnings. 

Considering fans interests will also help increase your earnings. I’ve mentioned hobbies, sports, cities, locations, restaurants and so many other things. Taking these things into consideration will help move things along with your reconnections too. 

Last but not least, maintaining communication with fans is crucial. A perfect example of this is the football season. If you find that you and a consumer are both fans of the same team, then message them after a great win! This helps keep the personal connection going and it’s just one simple example. If a fan gives you a recommendation on eating at a restaurant, try it and let them know what you liked about it.

Wrapping Things Up

To sum things up, plain and simple, creating a personal connection will help you build a stronger relationship with fans. As a result, you will make more money – 100% guaranteed. However, you cannot do this without notes. Just like with any other sales role, taking notes is an important part of this process. More importantly, using that information to the best of your ability is crucial. 

Remaining in contact with fans and keeping the messaging personal will take your earnings to an entirely different level. If you want to make good money as a cam model, then you need to connect, communicate, and care. Should you have any other questions or if you need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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