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Playstation 5: Here’s How To Get One Before Christmas!❄

Playstation 5: Here’s How To Get One Before Christmas!❄

The short version, we’ve got your back you can win one at 🔥🎄

This Christmas, there’s something that some lucky families will be hearing day and night. Nope, it’s not Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas Is You on repeat. It’s the action sounds of the hottest Playstation 5 games echoing in the background. Not familiar with PS5? No worries, I’ll cover that. This console has recently gone viral and people across the world are searching like crazy in order to get their hands on one before Christmas.

For those of you lucky enough to get one, clearly you’ve made Santa’s nice list! Those that are still trying to purchase one, you’ll find some information on where to look and what to lookout for when making a purchase. What’s most important to know is, that as Christmas gets closer, it’s going to get more difficult to get your hands on this gaming console. So find out why, what it’s all about, how to possibly get it and then take some action. 

PS5 Console

PS5 Craze: Everything You Need To Know About Playstation 5 This Christmas

Let me kick things off by sharing just how popular this console really is. How many people are searching for “Playstation 5” in Google today? Roughly 4,400,000 people are typing Playstation 5 into Google. That’s a lot of gamers and parents searching for the console. 

Since the console is so new, a huge chunk of those searches are related to buying the PS5 console. Below you’ll see the Google Trends spike and the hockey stick jump that it made mid-November. Needless to say, this thing is popular and hotter than a Camsoda model having multiple orgasms during a live stream (well, not that hot I guess, but hot).

So, Why Is It So Hard To Get?

There are a few reasons why this is such a hot item and super hard to find. First, it’s important to understand how the product release went. Sony kicked off their pre-order launch eight hours earlier than they had advertised. Yes, this caused gamers around the world to panic. 

From that point forward, things only get more scarce and worrisome. Retailers set to carry the consoles soon realized that their websites were crashing due to traffic. Think about that for a second. These are billion dollar companies with so many people visiting and searching their sites that they crashed! 

Sony took a different approach from their console competitors this time when it came to marketing. They didn’t say or show much off about the console until it was go-time. This caused many gamers to eat, sleep, and breathe PS5. They got curious and started doing marketing for the company by having discussions about the product just about everywhere. Did this increase the purchasing difficulty? Absolutely! But that’s not the main reason why it’s so difficult. 

The main reason why it’s so hard to find a Playstation 5 is due to technology. What I mean by that is virtually the entire stock has been purchased by bots and it’s being scalped on eBay and other auction sites out there. These bots and scalpers quickly scoop up every single console as fast as they go live on the retail sites. 

The next step is for them to try and resell the PS5 consoles on every auction website imaginable. Once they hit the auction sites, you better believe gouged prices are in full effect. Gamers are willing to pay to play. They’re coughing up hundreds of dollars above MSRP to get their hands on the console before Christmas. 

The official price of the console is $499 and if you’re hitting auction sites, then you’ll be shelling out more than double, perhaps even 3x depending on how hot the demand is. Speaking of hot, let’s talk games…

Cyberpunk 2077

What Games Are Hot? 

It’s not just the console that’s driving the demand for PS5, it’s the games. Without games, getting your hands on the console is far less exciting. So which are hot? Well, based on trends and research, it seems like gamers are crazy hungry for Spider Man, CyberPunk 2077, Dark Souls, and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I can’t forget NBA 2K21, just in time for the NBA season to kick off too! 

Basically, every game that can be played on PS5 is badass. The graphics are sick, super sick and getting your hands on a single game and console would be a Christmas miracle. 

Hey, if you’re lucky enough to get a Playstation 5, then you should really do your part and share your experience with the world. How? Well, I covered a piece on OBS not long ago. You can live stream your games on OBS. It’s as easy as connecting your Playstation 5 to OBS using an Elgato. This device can be purchased for about $150 on Amazon or BestBuy and it will allow you to easily connect and stream as you play. 

Where Else Can You Get A PS5?

You know, some companies are giving the console away. They’re raffling them off in various communities and forums. Again, you can win a PS5 on! There are ten ways to enter the raffle and the more you unlock, the greater your chances are of winning one. What do you have to lose? Nothing! Just login to Camsoda and learn how you can get your hands on a PS console before the holiday season is over! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.

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