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Freemium Business Model For Cam Girls And Why It Works

Freemium Business Model For Cam Girls And Why It Works

Free or premium? What about freemium! If there’s one thing that every cam model needs to know, she needs to understand how the businesses behind cam platforms are run today. While I’m not going to go into the specific details of the Camsoda business model, I will cover the basics and everything you need to know about it. Not long ago, you couldn’t do anything on any cam site without paying for it. Some wouldn’t even let you register without a credit card. 

While this was once the popular way to go, it no longer is today. Freemium has since taken over. The freemium business model is insanely popular today and it’s only becoming more and more popular. So, here’s what you need to know about this model in general and more specifically, how it applies to cam girls and consumers of today.

Everything You Need To Know About Freemium

So, to kick things off, it’s best to talk dollars and cents, but first, what is freemium? It’s defined as a tiered model approach that allows a business to acquire users at various tiers, two of which are always defined as free and premium. The tiers depend on whether or not the user is willing to pay money to access certain features. Free users have limited access while premium users are able to take advantage of many more features. 

The freemium business model is a massive money maker for many. Not just in the adult industry, but for gaming as well. In 2019, freemium accounted for $87B in game sales alone across various devices e.g. mobile, PC, and console. The mobile platform accounted for the majority of the sales, topping more than $64B, followed by PC at $21B and lastly, $1.6B from console sales. 

When it comes to gaming, this business model has helped many companies successfully gross billions of dollars. Some games that come to mind which have grossed $1B overtime are Pokemon Go, Boom Beach, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush Saga, Free Fire, Fortnite,Lineage, Clash Royale, Mobile Strike, Puzzle & Dragons and many others. The list goes on and on. So, as you can see, there are plenty of games that have generated billions of dollars over the years via the freemium model. But does it work for cam sites? You bet it does!

What Does Freemium Mean For Models? 

So, if you haven’t yet figured it out, we run on a freemium business model. While there are many added benefits of doing this from a business perspective, there are even more benefits for models streaming on the platform. 

One of the main goals of taking a freemium user acquisition approach to camming is to drastically cut down on the cost of acquiring users. The lower the cost, the more likely users are to begin using a product. What does this mean for models? 

Well, it means that cam models using Camsoda as their primary platform don’t have to spend as much time and money to attract users. Instead, the platform has earned the trust of users from day one by giving them access (be it limited) to the platform. Not only do they see the value through actual use of the product, they’re more likely to spend money on premium features if satisfied. 

Camsoda models are able to get out in front of many more fans than they would should the platform run on a premium only platform. They’re able to build a community as well as contribute to a larger community of users and the community only grows exponentially daily. Free users quickly become paid users once they’ve developed trust for the platform, models and premium features. At that point, everybody wins! 

Limitations With Freemium

The only way this can work successfully is through the implementation of product limitations for freemium users. There are feature, usage, and support limitations that many products will put in place. As for Camsoda, there are a few limitations. For example, freemium users will have the ability to chat for free and they’ll be able to view multiple cam chats. 

However, they’ll be subject to seeing advertisements, not being able to send direct messages to models, not being able to change tip volume, no anonymous chatting and additional limitations. This is necessary in order to get users upgrading and appreciating the premium features. Trust me, this works to your advantage as a model. 

What Should Models Do? 

As a model, you should embrace Camsoda’s freemium business model. Communicate with freemium users and all users in general as it gets them to upgrade for a better experience. Keep creating premium media and perform as frequently as possible. This will lead to more freemium to premium user adoption. As a result, it will lead to you making more money. 

The strategy of attracting and adopting users via the freemium model is here to stay as it’s skyrocketing brand awareness, user adoption, and premium user upgrades as well. This means more fans, more followers, and more money for you as a model! 

If you’re not a registered model then please register to get started. If you’re not a registered consumer of, then I suggest you get registered for free today as well. Enjoy and familiarize yourself with the platform. Soon enough you’ll be upgrading and taking full advantage of the platform! 

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