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Harmony Wonder Confessional Video Reveals Rapid-Fire Sex Answers

Harmony Wonder Confessional Video Reveals Rapid-Fire Sex Answers

Today’s Camsoda Confessional features a girl by the name of Harmony Wonder. She’s a really cute and soft-spoken cam girl that was such a delight to chat with. A couple of things that you need to know about Harmony. First is that she’s brand spanking new to the webcam scene and chances are that you’re not going to find a lot of information about her. That’s all because of her newbie status. Don’t worry though, by the time you’ve finished watching this video, you’ll know just about everything there is to know!

Once you get to know her a bit, chances are you’ll want to take her into an exclusive chat session, without a doubt. I’m not going to give away any hints today. Instead, I’ll just dive right into things and let you watch the video clip that we taped.

Harmony Wonder Takes Q & A Rapid Fire Session With Ease

We went about things a little differently today. Instead of taking the traditional casual conversation approach, we went rapid-fire style, hitting her with nothing but, “Would You Rather” questions. Some girls love this while others buckle under pressure. Here’s what Harmony Wonder had to share with us during her confessional taping. The confessional details are all laid out in a Q & A fashion, just keep reading…

CS: Would you rather watch your dog hump another dog or have it stare you down while having sex?

HW: My cats stare me down while having sex, so I’m going for the staredown in this case!

CS: Would you rather get cum in your hair after you’ve styled it or cum in your eye?

HW: In my eye probably because it gets crusty and it takes way too long to get your hair looking good.

CS: Would you rather be told you suck at kissing or that you suck at giving blowjobs?

HW: I would definitely rather be told I suck at kissing (chuckles in the background).

CS: Would you rather watch your favorite television couple have sex or recite their wedding vows?

HW: Recite their wedding vows. That’s cute. (She answered that one with a sincere smile on her face. Perhaps Harmony Wonder is the marrying type!?!?)

CS: Would you rather have your boyfriend laugh uncontrollably each time he sees you naked or cry uncontrollably?

HW: Laugh for sure.

CS: Would you rather cheat on your partner or have your partner think you cheated even though you didn’t? This is a tough one to answer, I know.

HW: I’d much rather have my partner think I cheated even though I didn’t.

CS: Would you rather have sex on a bed filled with stains or a smelly bathroom stall?

HW: Sex on a bed filled with stains over a smelly bathroom lol.

CS: Would you rather have a parent catch you having sex or catch your parents having sex?

HW: I’d rather catch both of my parents having sex versus having them catch me!

CS: Why? You don’t want them to have the visual of you fucking someone? LOL

HW: No, no way!

CS: Would you rather have sex with your celebrity crush once or sex with your real life crush for the rest of your life?

HW: My real life crush for the rest of my life.

CS: Would you rather date someone who takes five seconds to cum or who takes at least five hours to cum.

HW: If he can cum more than once, then five seconds for sure. It honestly depends on the number of times he can cum, LOL.

CS: Would you rather fuck your best friend’s father or your fathers best friend?

HW: My father’s best friend.

CS: Would you rather have sex in front of police officers or in front of a live news taping?

HW: Police officers, LOL

CS: That could be pretty hot!

CS: Next question, would you rather be horny 24/7 or for only one day per year?

HW: I’m already horny 24/7, so there you go!

CS: Would you rather sleep with the first person you see at the bar or the first person who hits on you at the bar?

HW: First person who hits on me at the bar.

CS: Yea, I agree on that. You never know who you’re going to walk in and see. That could be really bad!

CS: Would you rather find out that your perfect Tinder date has a girlfriend or a foot fetish?

HW: I’d rather find out that they have a foot fetish.

CS: Would you rather have sex with a celeb you hate or your ex?

HW: With my ex, the sex is still good, even angry sex.

CS: Would you rather be turned on every single time you see a man wearing a fedora or crocs?

HW: Oh my god, I feel like Crocs is the lesser of the two so I’ll go with that.

CS: Would you rather fart while getting eaten out or vomit while making out?

HW: Fart while getting eaten out. Less clean up.

CS: Would you rather bite your boyfriend in the dick during oral or knee him in the balls during sex?

HW: I once had a boyfriend that would request that I would bite his dick, hard too. So hard that it would leave marks. He loved it and it literally left teeth marks and bruises. I even drew blood at times. He was so into it! Whatever does it for him, right.

CS: Would you rather make a sex tape for only your grandparents to see or put your nudes on Facebook for everyone to see.

HW: I’d rather put my nudes on Facebook for everyone to see.

CS: Would you rather date someone who refuses to cuddle or refuses to go down on you?

HW: Refuses to cuddle.

harmony wonder sex confessional

Harmony Wonder Live On Camsoda Confessionals

CS: Would you rather cry everytime you have sex or burp everytime someone kissed you.

HW: I’d rather cry every time I have sex. I feel like eye watering is just a small thing, that some people like even.

CS: Would you rather find out that the last guy you fucked was a murderer or your long lost cousin?

HW: I’d rather find out he murdered somebody. I mean, other than that it would be finding out we’re related. No thanks.

CS: Would you rather sleep with someone who has burning hot hands or freezing cold hands?

HW: Definitely freezing cold. I love cold hands!

CS: Would you rather have sex in a restaurant full of people or masturbate on a bus full of people?

HW: Sex in a restaurant full of people.

CS: Would you rather get caught having sex or get caught kissing a blowup doll?

HW: Kissing a blowup doll because it would be absolutely hilarious I think.

CS: Would you rather be offered a job in the porn industry or have a job at a strip club?

HW: Can I do both? If so, then I’d like to do both. I just don’t have the muscles for stripping right now. I wish I did!

CS: Would you rather date someone who’s into intense BDSM or someone that’s into super plain vanilla sex?

HW: I’m the one that’s into BDSM, so I guess that’s a question for my partner, not me!

CS: Would you rather have sex in the same position with the same person for the rest of your life or in a different position with a different person for the rest of your life?

HW: Do I get to pick the position? If so, then I’ll pick the same position for the rest of my life!

CS: Would you rather get a huge tattoo of your partners’ name across your chest or a tiny tattoo of their face on your arm?

HW: Oh my god, probably their name on my chest.

CS: Would you rather give ZachEffronn a lapdance or get a lapdance from Zach Galifianakis? He’s the guy in the hangover.

HW: I’d rather give Zach Effron a lapdance.

Hot Cam Girl Harmony Wonder

CS: Would you rather be tied to a bed and forgotten or marked with a hickey that your boss would see?

HW: Marked with a hickey for sure.

CS: Would you rather sprain your ankle during sex or break your partners’ penis?

HW: Sprain my ankle, at least that’s fixable!

CS: Would you rather have a one-night stand with someone you hate or temporarily get married to them in Vegas?

HW: The one-night stand. Hate sex is still sex, it’s hot.

CS: Would you rather bump your head while having shower sex or fall off the bed while having morning sex?

HW: I’d rather bump my head during shower sex.

CS: Last question, would you rather have five inches thick or ten inches thin? I’m talking dick of course. Which would you prefer?

HW: Five inches thick, definitely. (The last cam girl we taped said the same thing. Watch her confessional clip by clicking here.)

Special thanks for Harmony taking the time to answer all of our questions today. She was so sweet, it’s tough to picture her having BDSM sex, that’s how sweet she was.

However, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that it would be a sight worth seeing! Check out Harmony Wonder on Camsoda today. Visit her profile and get registered if you’re not a registered user as of yet!

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